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Demo - Space Game

Experience the Babylon wallet in-game wallet UI


A demo of the Babylon Wallet using the JavaScript SDK is available here.

Using the Demo

The demo showcases the wallet by displaying the player's game experience on the left-hand screen, and the wallet's background activities are displayed on the right-hand console.

Burner Wallet

After clicking START GAME, a new burner wallet address is instantly created and displayed in the top section of the activity console.

Permanent Wallet

The game can then be played as usual. When three lives are lost and it is GAME OVER, this is the trigger for initiating the in-game wallet UI, which prompts the player to create a permanent wallet account by setting a passkey.

Signing a Message and Making a Transaction

Requests from the game for a player to sign transactions or messages can be simulated using the right-hand console in both the burner and permanent wallet states. Testnet MATIC can be sent to the demo wallet address using the Polygon Mumbai faucet.

Space Game demo